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AIA Plants 20,000 Mangroves for its 20 Fruitful Years

As a way of giving back for AIA's 20 fruitful years in the auction industry, the company planted 20,000 mangrove propagules in a 10-hectare coast at Abucay, Bataan on May 17 in cooperation with DENR and the SBMA Ecology Center. 165 volunteers took part in the program.

The auctioneer initially started its biodiversity conservation and mangrove reforestation programs in 2015. At that time, AIA committed to protect various mangrove forests and had since planted around 35,580 mangroves in various areas. AIA took on the responsibility of caring for a total of 15 hectares of protected sites.

“We specially picked Mangrove Planting as the core activity of our CSR programs because of its environmental significance. Mangroves are powerhouses when it comes to carbon storage. Studies indicate that mangroves can sequester four times more carbon than rainforests. This is so relevant to our industry for ways we all know. Unlike other one-day tree planting activities, ours is a continuing activity as we will see to it that the mangroves will survive and serve its purpose,” said AIA General Manager.

These sites will reconstitute and improve the coastal barriers of Subic Bay and Bataan, serve as protection during storm surges, provide a natural habitat for different species, and reduce carbon emissions in the air. It will not only increase the resilience of the coastline but will also open up new income-generating opportunities for the local communities.

Moving forward, AIA will continuously maintain and ensure the sustainability of these mangrove forests, as well as implement more reforestation projects in line with its eco-initiatives to protect the environment.

To know more about AIA’s Corporate Social Responsibility programs, visit www.aia-auction.com/csr.